The fall and cooling temperatures can be difficult on those with allergies or other respiratory issues, such as asthma. The end of summer and beginning of fall is peak ragweed season, a common allergen that affects the lives of many. However, there is another risk in the air this time of year: mold. While mold does require heat to grow—making summer a troublesome time, as well—temperatures in the early days of September and October are often still high enough to keep mold alive and well. There is also more moisture to contend with, as the colder nights to not allow for rainfall to dry and evaporate as quickly, or at all. With people spending more and more time indoors, whether to avoid pollen or simply due to falling temperatures, it is especially important to be on guard for mold growth this time of year.
Ways to Manage Your Risk
As we have said in one of our previous blogs, mold requires four things to grow: a supply of oxygen, heat, moisture, and something organic on which to take hold. The falling leaves that have started to gather on your lawn provide an ample supply. Because of their structure, leaves allow for some pockets of air to gather between each layer, and also capture rain or dew on the ground. This is a recipe for mold growth. Raking regularly is one way to keep this possibly harmful substance at bay. However, if mold spores have already taken hold in your leaves, disturbing them can spread the spores and the person gardening may breathe some in. While most forms of mold aren’t particularly dangerous in small quantities, if you have asthma or any other respiratory condition, this is a risk to be aware of.
Indoor risks can also increase this time of year, as we turn off air filtration systems and open the windows. Mould spores can find their way into your home and either begin to grow right away if it is still warm enough, or remain dormant until spring. If your gutters are full of leaves, this also increases your risk. Removing leaves from your roof is an important step in keeping your home mold-free in the autumn, but can have its own dangers: make sure you are fully aware of the safety procedures of your ladder and never go onto the roof without proper precautions and without someone else there.
Not all types of mold pose a direct threat to your health, but if you notice any growth or have any questions about the general air quality and safety of your home, it is always a good idea to call in an expert to do a full inspection. At Certified Asbestos Removal, we perform complete inspections of homes and properties so that you can get the facts fast and accurately. We also provide expert mold eradication. For more information, or to book and appointment with our professional technicians, contact us today.
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